June 10, 2012

Peace Caravan:Afghanistan Lecture at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada

I had the great pleasure and honor to speak about the Peace Caravan Project and talk on my journey through Afghanistan. Lecturing serves the real mission of the project - to educate and provide first hand information about the people living in Silk Road countries.  The images and stories help to dispel myths and misconceptions resulting from a media focused on war and violence. Seeing women harvesting the fields, caring for children, families working together shows that we are all similar.

 I could not be more appreciative for the warm hospitality offered to me by the gracious Francesco Alvaraz, Director of the Institute for Contemporary Culture.  The Royal Ontario Museum is more beautiful and richer in culture and arts today than when I lived in Toronto over 30 years ago and filled every one of my visits with the awe for mankind in all our creativity. 

Mt. Ararat

Marla Mossman

My photo
One woman traveling alone, in search of her religious and cultural heritage.